Mannia S.

Le Tradizioni popolari di Nuoro di Grazia Deledda

Writing today about Grazia Deledda's Popular Traditions of Nuoro imposes an immediate and not easy comparison with those who have already written and said in an anthropological key of the Nuoro work and writer, that is, the authoritative exponents of the Ciresian school – and Cirese first , and not always, almost never one could say, they wrote and/or said about it in enthusiastic terms. Their positions, perplexities, points of view are almost completely shared even if at the same time in the opinion of the writer, perhaps, sometimes, Deledda has been written and said too severely. The contribution wants to try to question the Sardinian Nobel differently, or try to think again about the dem…

research product

Su mortu mortu vs Halloween. Questue infantili in Sardegna

Il contributo indaga il rapporto fra questue infantili tradizionali e Halloween in Sardegna. Dalle ricerche sul campo è emerso che in diversi centri Halloween è subentrato ai giri di raccolta consuetudinari, in altri convive con essi, ma nella maggior parte dei paesi il festival di origine anglosassone non si è ancora diffuso poiché, appunto, sono vitali le questue tradizionali. Si tratta di due manifestazioni rituali diverse, espressione di contesti storici e socioculturali ma anche politico-economici differenti e tuttavia i simboli rituali più noti della “carnevalata americana" – la zucca con la candela accesa, la formula rituale per la richiesta dei doni e la minaccia di ritorsioni per l…

research product

Masks and carnivals in contemporary Sardinia

The carnival occupies an important place in Sardinia, and attracts the attention of scholars with its continuously renewed meanings and functions. Furthermore, the institution of carnival is one of the cultural traits that has most oriented enhancement, research, re-proposal, revitalization of spontaneous groups and cultural associations: local traditions are re-learned and reworked along with specific identities and new forms of expression. In this sense, we can speak of new carnivals; cultural heritage in new economic and social contexts. In other words: today’s representations and masks refer to an alleged tradition to respond to contemporary needs and requests. In the case of Sardinian …

research product