D Mayer
Rationale for VORTEC and Chimney techniques
Searching for New Physics in two-neutrino double beta decay with CUPID
Abstract In the past few years, attention has been drawn to the fact that a precision analysis of two-neutrino double beta decay (2υββ) allows the study of interesting physics cases like the emission of Majoron bosons and possible Lorentz symmetry violation. These processes modify the summed-energy distribution of the two electrons emitted in 2υββ. CUPID is a next-generation experiment aiming to exploit 100Mo-enriched scintillating Li2MoO4 crystals, operating as cryogenic calorimeters. Given the relatively fast half-life of 100Mo 2υββ and the large exposure that can be reached by CUPID, we expect to measure with very high precision the 100Mo 2υββ spectrum shape, reaching great sensitivities…