

Searching for New Physics in two-neutrino double beta decay with CUPID

A ArmatolE ArmengaudW ArmstrongC AugierF T AvignoneO AzzoliniA BarabashG BariA BarresiD BaudinF BelliniG BenatoM BerettaL BergéM BiassoniJ BillardV BoldriniA BrancaC BrofferioC BucciJ CamilleriS CapelliL CappelliL CardaniP CarnitiN CasaliA CazesE CeliC ChangM ChapellierA CharrierD ChiesaM ClemenzaI ColantoniF CollamatiS CopelloO CremonesiR J CreswickA CrucianiA D’ AddabboG D’ ImperioI DafineiF A DanevichM De CombarieuM De JesusP De MarcillacS Dell’oroS Di DomizioV DompèA DrobizhevL DumoulinG FantiniM FaverzaniE FerriF FerriF FerroniE Figueroa-felicianoJ FormaggioA FranceschiC FuS FuB K FujikawaJ GasconS GhislandiA GiacheroL GironiA GiulianiP GorlaC GottiP GrasM GrosT D GutierrezK HanE V HansenK M HeegerD L HelisH Z HuangR G HuangL ImbertJ JohnstonA JuillardG KarapetrovG KeppelH KhalifeV V KobychevJ KotilaYu G KolomenskyS KonovalovY LiuP LoaizaL MaM MadhukuttanF MancarellaR MariamL MariniS MarnierosM MartinezR H MaruyamaB MauriD MayerY MeiS MilanaD MisiakT NapolitanoM NastasiX F NavickJ NikkelR NipotiS NisiC NonesE B NormanV NovosadI NutiniT O’donnellE OlivieriC OriolJ L OuelletS PaganC PagliaroneL PagnaniniP PariL PattavinaB PaulM PavanH PengG PessinaV PettinacciC PiraS PirroD V PodaT PolakovicO G PolischukS PozziE PrevitaliA PuiuS QuitadamoA RessaR RizzoliC RosenfeldC RusconiV SanglardJ ScarpaciB SchmidtV SharmaV ShlegelV SinghM SistiD SpellerP T SurukuchiL TaffarelloO TellierC TomeiV I TretyakA TsymbaliukM VelazquezK J VetterS L WagaarachchiG WangL WangB WelliverJ WilsonK WilsonL A WinslowM XueL YanJ YangV YefremenkoV YumatovM M ZarytskyyJ ZhangA ZolotarovaS Zucchelli


CUPID Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay LNGS Particle Physics Neutrino Majorana NeutrinoHistoryLNGS[PHYS.NEXP]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]hiukkasfysiikkaNeutrinoless Double Beta DecayEducationcrystalCUPIDNeutrino[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]double-beta decay: (2neutrino)Particle Physicsscintillation countersymmetry: violationbackgroundnew physics: search forMajorana Neutrinoneutriinotsensitivityviolation: LorentzMajoronComputer Science Applicationscalorimeter: cryogenicselectron: energy spectrumsymmetry: Lorentzydinfysiikka


Abstract In the past few years, attention has been drawn to the fact that a precision analysis of two-neutrino double beta decay (2υββ) allows the study of interesting physics cases like the emission of Majoron bosons and possible Lorentz symmetry violation. These processes modify the summed-energy distribution of the two electrons emitted in 2υββ. CUPID is a next-generation experiment aiming to exploit 100Mo-enriched scintillating Li2MoO4 crystals, operating as cryogenic calorimeters. Given the relatively fast half-life of 100Mo 2υββ and the large exposure that can be reached by CUPID, we expect to measure with very high precision the 100Mo 2υββ spectrum shape, reaching great sensitivities in the search for distortions induced by the physics beyond the Standard Model. In this contribution, we present the CUPID exclusion sensitivity for such New Physics processes, as well as the preliminary projected background of CUPID.
