Ian Basaille-gahitte

Médias sociaux et gestion de communautés - applications dans le domaine de la gestion de la relation client

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term that emerged in the middle of the 1990's, and that is often used to describe computerized tools that provide services to consumers before, during and after a sale.These consumers have followed the transformation of the Web that has happened in the last few years, where each user becomes a supplier of content using tools like, amongst others, social networks by sharing resources, content, and annotating. General use social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, are now used daily by a very large number of users.Companies have to follow this evolution and include social networks as a new communication channel in order to interact with their cli…

research product

Apports des réseaux sociaux pour la gestion de la relation client

National audience; Depuis quelques années, le Web s'est transformé en une plateforme d'échanges. La gestion de relation client doit évoluer pour tirer partie des données disponibles sur les réseaux sociaux et mettre l'entreprise au coeur des échanges. Nous proposons dans cet article une approche générique de détection de communautés de clients d'une entreprise, basée sur leur comportement explicite et implicite, intégrant des données de sources diverses. Nous définissons une mesure de similarité, entre un utilisateur et un tag, prenant en compte la notation et la consultation des ressources et le réseau social de l'utilisateur. Nous validons cette approche sur une base exemple en utilisant …

research product

Using Social Networks to Enhance Customer Relationship Management

International audience; In recent years, the Web has evolved into an exchange platform. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) must follow this evolution and connect CRM tools to social networks in order to place companies in the center of all the exchanges. We propose, in this article, a community detection approach that identi fies clusters of customers of a company using their explicit and implicit behaviour. Our contribution is the definition of a composite pro le that integrates various informations gathered from di erent applications, such as the information system of the company, the existing CRM, or Twitter. We de ne a similarity measure, between a user and a tag, that takes into ac…

research product

A web application for event detection and exploratory data analysis for Twitter data

International audience

research product