A. Castells-rodellas
Retrospective Study of Patients Diagnosed With Sweet Syndrome in the Health Area of a Tertiary Hospital in the Autonomous Community of Valencia
Sweet syndrome is the most characteristic of the neutrophilic dermatoses. We performed a retrospective study of patients with Sweet syndrome seen in our department between 2001 and 2009, inclusive; the aims were to define the patient profile and to evaluate the clinical and epidemiological differences between subgroups. There were 24 patients (13 women and 11 men). The age distribution was similar in both sexes and showed 2 peaks, one in the fourth decade and the other in the eighth decade. The etiology was predominantly infectious or inflammatory, followed by the idiopathic form. There were 4 cases of paraneoplastic disease, 2 of which involved solid-organ tumors. One case was associated w…
Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes diagnosticados de síndrome de Sweet en el área de un hospital terciario de la Comunidad Valenciana
Resumen El sindrome de Sweet (SS) es la mas caracteristica de todas las dermatosis neutrofilicas. Para definir el perfil de los pacientes diagnosticados de SS en nuestro Departamento y evaluar las diferencias clinico-epidemiologicas entre subgrupos, hemos realizado un estudio retrospectivo desde 2001 a 2009, ambos inclusive. Han sido incluidos 24 pacientes (13 mujeres y 11 hombres). La distribucion por edades es similar en todos los grupos con dos picos: entre los 30-39 y los 70-79 anos. Respecto a la etiologia predomina el grupo que incluye los casos infecciosos e inflamatorios, seguido del grupo de etiologia idiopatica. De los 4 casos paraneoplasicos dos correspondian a neoplasias de orga…