Forgiveness and Loneliness in Peer-Victimized Adolescents
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationships between forgiveness, motivations for revenge, avoidance, and benevolence; loneliness, emotional loneliness and positive subjective evaluation of the social network; and peer victimization in schools, relational, overt physical, and overt verbal, based on gender. A battery of instruments was administered to 617 Spanish students (50.7% boys and 49.3% girls), aged between 10 and 16 years ( M = 13.04 years, SD = 1.80 years) from primary and secondary education. A multivariate analysis of variance and a multiple block regression for data analysis was used. Study results revealed that the most victimized students showed greater mo…
Is School Adjustment Related to Environmental Empathy and Connectedness to Nature?
espanolLa empatia ambiental y la conexion con la naturaleza son dos constructos relevantes para explicar las variaciones en el comportamiento proambiental. Sin embargo, poco se sabe acerca de si la empatia ambiental (cognitiva y emocional) y la conexion con la naturaleza pueden variar en funcion del ajuste escolar. Los participantes fueron 881 adolescentes espanoles de 12 a 17 anos (47.2% hombres). El diseno fue un MANOVA 2 × 2 (ajuste escolar × sexo). Los resultados del analisis de CFA confirmaron los supuestos teoricos sobre dos dimensiones diferentes pero relacionadas de la empatia ambiental (cognitiva y emocional) y la conectividad con la naturaleza como un constructo unidimensional. En…
¿Se relaciona el ajuste escolar con la empatía ambiental y la conexión con la naturaleza?
ABSTRACT Environmental empathy and connectedness to nature are two main constructs that explain variations in pro-environmental behavior. However, little is known about whether environmental (cognitive and emotional) empathy and connectedness to nature might vary as a function of school adjustment. Participants were 881 Spanish adolescents from 12 to 17 years old (47.2% males). The design was a 2 × 2 MANOVA (school adjustment × sex). Results of the CFA analysis confirmed the theoretical assumptions about two different but related aspects of environmental empathy (cognitive and emotional) and connectedness to nature as a unidimensional construct. Overall, results showed that high school adju…
Victimisation and school violence. The role of the motivation ofrevenge, avoidance, and benevolence in adolescents.
Abstract The aim of the present study is to explore the relation among school victimisation and school violence, taking into account the motivations of revenge, avoidance, and benevolence. The sample includes 671 adolescents of both sexes, between 10 and 16 years old, attending primary and secondary school. The structural equation model, calculated with EQS software, show that victimisation is directly and indirectly related to school violence through revenge motivation. Victimisation is also related to avoidance and benevolence motivations, although these are not associated with school violence. Multigroup analysis indicates statistically significant differences between boys and girls in t…