Andreas R. Günthert
Phase II study of weekly docetaxel in patients with recurrent or metastatic endometrial cancer: AGO Uterus-4.
Abstract Objective The aim of this phase II multicenter study was to evaluate the safety, toxicity and efficacy of docetaxel administered weekly as first line chemotherapy in patients with recurrent or metastatic endometrial cancer. Patients and methods Thirty five patients with recurrent or metastatic endometrial cancer without previous chemotherapy were enrolled to receive three 6-week cycles of docetaxel 35 mg/m 2 /week with 2-week breaks between the cycles. Therapy response was evaluated after every 6-week cycle, and therapy was continued in case of at least stable disease. Final therapy response was evaluated after three 6-week cycles of docetaxel. Results Thirty five patients with a m…
Phase II study of fulvestrant 250mg/month in patients with recurrent or metastatic endometrial cancer: A study of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie
Abstract Objectives The aim of this study is to evaluate the activity and toxicity of fulvestrant, a pure estrogen receptor antagonist in patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer, expressing estrogen and/or progesterone receptors (ER/PR). Methods Eligible patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer not amenable to curative surgery and/or radiotherapy were treated with fulvestrant at a dose of 250mg by IM injection every 4weeks for at least 12weeks. Therapy was continued until disease progression, death, intolerable side effects or end of study. Response was assessed in patients with at least one target lesion according to WHO-criteria. Results Thirty-five patients w…
Invasives Karzinom der Vagina
Vaginalkarzinome gehoren zu den seltenen Tumoren (etwa 500 Falle pro Jahr in Deutschland). Risikofaktoren sind die HPV-Infektion, Immundepression, Nikotinabusus und HPV-assoziierte Vorerkrankungen der Cervix uteri und der Vulva. Als teilweise Primarpravention kann die HPV-Impfung gelten. Eine systematische Fruherkennung existiert angesichts der Seltenheit der Erkrankung nicht. Auffallige zytologische Befunde bei fehlender oder unauffalliger Zervix sollten zu einer intensivierten Untersuchung mit Inspektion und Kolposkopie veranlassen. Es handelt sich uberwiegend um Plattenepithelkarzinome. Die definitive Diagnostik erfolgt durch histologische Sicherung. Zum Staging werden erst in fortgeschr…