Ronalds Skulme
Social Media Campaign Metrics in Latvia
Abstract The purpose of this paper was to explore which social media marketing metrics are most often used and are most important for marketing experts in Latvia. In order to achieve the aim of this paper several theoretical and practical research methods were used, such as literature analysis, surveying and grouping. First of all, theoretical research about social media metrics was conducted. Authors collected information about social media metric grouping methods and the most frequently mentioned social media metrics in the literature. The collected information was used as the foundation for the expert surveys. The expert surveys were used to gather information from Latvian marketing prof…
Social media evaluation metrics
Background. There are many methods how specialists can evaluate return of online marketing activities. Most of the methods out there are designed for versatile use. But each online marketing tool has its own unique specific metrics that should be taken into account when measuring the return of marketing activities. Authors believe that the methods that are designed to evaluate online marketing activities should also be more specific. Hence authors believe that more specific online marketing revenue determination methods should be proposed. Objectives. The aim of this paper is to propose a formula that can be used to evaluate the return of social media activities depending on consumer purcha…
Mārketinga stratēģijas izstrādāšana interneta veikalam „www.thestore.lv”.
Pieaugot konkurencei mārketinga stratēģija kļūst arvien svarīgāka katra uzņēmuma sastāvdaļa. Bez efektīvas mārketinga stratēģijas mūsdienās neviens uzņēmums nevar pastāvēt sekmīgi ilgtermiņā. Interneta veikalam www.thestore.lv līdz šim nav tikusi izstrādāta mārketinga stratēģija, līdz ar to autors uzskata, ka bez mārketinga stratēģijas šis interneta veikals nespēs sekmīgi darboties ilgtermiņā. Maģistra darba mērķis ir balstoties uz teorētisko materiālu par mārketinga stratēģiju izstrādāšanu, sekundāro statistisko datu analīzi, analītiski un loģiski konstruktīvo datu analīzi, izstrādāt atbilstošu mārketinga stratēģiju interneta veikalam www.thestore.lv. Maģistra darbs sastāv no trīs nodaļām.…