Laura Basile

Management of suspected COVID-19 patients in a low prevalence region

The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection among population has imposed a re-organization of healthcare services, aiming at stratifying patients and dedicating specific areas where patients with suspected COVID-related respiratory disease could receive the necessary health care assistance while waiting for the confirmation of the diagnosis of COVID-19 disease. In this scenario, the pathway defined as a “grey zone” is strongly advocated. We describe the application of rules and pathways in a regional context with low diffusion of the infection among the general population in the attempt to provide the best care to respiratory patients with suspected COVID-19. To date, this process has avoided t…

research product

Urinary Incontinence in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Common Co-morbidity or a Typical Adverse Effect?

Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as a loss of bladder control and is characterized by the complaint of any involuntary leakage of urine. Evidence suggests that the prevalence of UI is higher in subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) than in age-matched controls in both sexes. UI is classified as stress, urge, and mixed, and has a considerable impact on quality of life. However, the prevalence of UI in individuals with COPD is mostly unexplored in clinical research and often underestimated in clinical practice. Interestingly, although the involuntary leakage of a small amount of urine during coughing (e.g., stress UI) is among the most plausible causes of UI in patien…

research product