Begoña Clavel Arroitia

I tu, què penses d'adoptar l'anglès com a llengua franca?

Què volem dir amb multilingüisme? És beneficiós? Ens convé? Hauríem tots d'aprendre anglès? Aquestes són algunes de les preguntes que, com a estudiants, professors i futurs treballadors ens fem quan parlem d'adoptar l'anglès com a lingua franca, cosa que suposadament facilitarà la comunicació i fomentarà la mobilitat i ens acostarà al concepte tant repetit de la globalització. La Universitat de València, com la resta d'universitats europees, ha decidit oferir als estudiants la possibilitat de cursar una part d'alguns estudis en anglès, però a l'hora d'escollir és convenient tenir clars certs conceptes que són fonamentals per poder prendre-hi una decisió.

research product

Corpus linguistics and its aplications in higher education

The aim of this paper is to review and analyse relevant factors related to the implementation of corpus linguistics (CL) in higher education. First we set out to describe underlying principles of CL and its developments in relation to theoretical linguistics and its applications in modern teaching practices. Then we attempt to establish how different types of corpora have contributed to the development of direct and indirect approaches in language teaching. We single out Data Driven Learning (DDL) due to its relevance in applied linguistics literature, and examine in detail advantages and drawbacks. Finally, we outline problems concerning the implementation of CL in the classroom since awar…

research product

Negotiation of form: Analysis of Feedback and student response in two different contexts.

In the first part of the dissertation, which corresponds to the theoretical one, a series of cognitive theories are analysed; we also deal with the study of learning strategies; we analyse several studies on the interaction in the field of discourse analysis; we also describe different studies related to discourse and the acquisition of a new language and finally classroom discourse is analysed according to different aspects.Once these aspects are dealt with, we offer a bibliographic review on the topic studied in relation to the aspect of feedback. This review begins with works written in the 1960's and ends nowadays. We describe the works attending to aspects such as main objective, metho…

research product

Implementation of an Innovation in Education Project in the Degree of English Studies at the University of Valencia

Begona.Clavel@uv.es The 21st century is and surely will be characterized by multiple and dramatic changes at all levels, but especially in the field of technology. This paper examines how some of these changes influence the way in which languages in general, and English in particular, are taught nowadays. We show how we have applied an Innovation in Education Project methodology in some modules in the degree in English Studies. Our most important instrument is our E-Learning platform (Aula Virtual) which offers us numerous ways in which to bridge the gap between our students and the team of teachers and permits our students to learn through a more interactive type of methodology.

research product

La creación de materiales docentes en inglés para contenidos relacionados con género: una propuesta para la evaluación de competencias transversales

Transformar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en una experiencia compartida, constructiva y visible es una prioridad para los grupos AngloTIC y GenText en la Universitat de València. Nuestros esfuerzos intentan asumir los retos educativos y metodológicos que supone el EEES. Desde esta perspectiva, nuestro trabajo consiste en el diseño de una serie de objetos de aprendizaje que implementan actividades orientadas al desarrollo de competencias generales y específicas, coherentes con los resultados de aprendizaje definidos en el plan de estudios y con un seguimiento efectivo. En este trabajo, hemos presentado algunas unidades didácticas que intentan compensar la falta de contenidos de género …

research product