Pranab Saha

A trigger system for measurements of proton-induced rare hadronic reactions around Tp=400MeV

Abstract We developed a trigger system for the measurement of proton-induced rare hadronic reactions around the beam kinetic energy T p = 400 MeV based on highly segmented trigger scintillation detectors and programmable logic modules. The trigger system was designed to enhance events with the negative-pion production by the difference of the curvatures of the particle tracks in a magnetic field. Since the production cross-section of the negative-pion by the proton-induced reactions was smaller by about 3 orders of magnitude than the total cross-section around the beam energy, we expected large reduction of the trigger rate by the negative-pion selection. The construction of the trigger sys…

research product

Studies of high density baryon matter with high intensity heavy-ion beams at J-PARC

Abstract In J-PARC heavy-ion project, we aim at studies of QCD phase structures and hadron properties in high baryon density close to the neutron star core. We have developed a heavy-ion acceleration scheme with a new linac and a new booster with existing two synchrotrons with the goal beam rate of about 10 11 Hz. We have also designed a large acceptance spectrometer based on a toroidal magnet. We have evaluated the spectrometer performance, and demonstrated reconstructing dielectron and dimuon spectra with full detector simulations. Finally, we designed a hypernuclear spectrometer which can utilize the full intensity ion beams.

research product