A Cell-specific Glycosylated Silk Protein from Chironomus thummi Salivary Glands
Chironomid salivary glands contain 40 cells dedicated to the synthesis of a relatively small ensemble of silk proteins. Glands in some species contain a special lobe composed of 4 cells distinguishable from the others. We have cloned a special lobe-specific cDNA from Chironomus thummi salivary glands. Northern blots of salivary gland RNA demonstrated that the cDNA hybridizes to a 2.5-kilobase transcript present only in the special lobe. In situ hybridization mapped the gene encoding this cDNA to region A2b on polytene chromosome IV, the locus of the special lobe-specific Balbiani ring a. The deduced amino acid sequence encodes a protein with a calculated molecular mass of 77 kDa and numerou…