J. A. Rosselló
Genetic diversity ofMelon necrotic spot virusandOlpidiumisolates from different origins
The geographic incidence, genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) and Olpidium isolates were studied in three cucurbit species from several Latin American and European countries on different collecting dates. Of the 112 cucurbit samples analysed, 69 from Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and Spain were DAS-ELISA-positive for MNSV. Olpidium bornovanus and O. virulentus infections, and MNSV infections mixed with these Olpidium species, were observed for all these countries. Twenty-nine MNSV isolates from all the origins where the virus was detected were selected and amplified by RT-PCR. The resulting RT-PCR of the p29, p89, p7A, p7B and p42 prote…
New national and regional bryophyte records, 65
Pseudoamblystegium subtile (Hedw.) Vanderp. & Hedenäs. CONTRIBUTORS: R. Gabriel, M. Kubová, C. Sérgio and I. Soares Albergaria. PORTUGAL, AZORES: Terceira Island, Angra do Heroísmo, municipal garden ‘Jardim Duque da Terceira’, 38° 39′ 24.0′′N, 27°13′ 05.99′′W, 31 m a.s.l, on the base of a shrub, in acidic conditions, 7 April 2017, leg. Michaela Kubová s.n. (AZU). A new understanding of the pleurocarpous moss species Pseudoamblystegium subtile was proposed by Vanderpoorten and Hedenäs (2009). The new genus is separated from the other Amblystegiaceae primarily due to its phylogenetic consistency and is characterised by the possession of leaves with a very short nerve, and erect capsules (Vand…