Tonnis Ter Veldhuis
Domain walls in supersymmetric QCD: The taming of the zoo
We provide a unified picture of the domain wall spectrum in supersymmetric QCD with Nc colors and Nf flavors of quarks in the (anti-) fundamental representation. Within the framework of the Veneziano-Yankielowicz-Taylor effective Lagrangian, we consider domain walls connecting chiral symmetry breaking vacua, and we take the quark masses to be degenerate. For Nf/Ncm** there is no domain wall. We numerically determine m* and m** as a function of Nf/Nc, and we find that m** approaches a constant value in the limit that this ratio goes to one.
Leaving the BPS bound: Tunneling of classically saturated solitons
We discuss quantum tunneling between classically BPS saturated solitons in two-dimensional theories with N=2 supersymmetry and a compact space dimension. Genuine BPS states form shortened multiplets of dimension two. In the models we consider there are two degenerate shortened multiplets at the classical level, but there is no obstruction to pairing up through quantum tunneling. The tunneling amplitude in the imaginary time is described by instantons. We find that the instanton is nothing but the 1/4 BPS saturated ``wall junction,'' considered previously in the literature in other contexts. Two central charges of the superalgebra allow us to calculate the instanton action without finding th…