Johann H. Kuhn
Tau decays to pions
Semileptonic τ decays to two and three pions are considered. Based on recent data for the pion form factor a new prediction for Γ(τ→vπ-0)/Γ(τ→veve) of 1.32±0.05 is derived. The chiral model-supplemented by vector dominance-is used to predict rate and differential distributions for the three pion mode in good agreement with present data. The parity violating asymmetry which has been predicted theoretically and observed experimentally is studied and found to be fairly insensitive towards the details of the model for the hadronic decays.
Charge asymmetry in hadroproduction of heavy quarks
A sizeable difference in the differential production cross section of top and antitop quarks, respectively, is predicted for hadronically produced heavy quarks. It is of order $\alpha_s$ and arises from the interference between charge odd and even amplitudes respectively. For the TEVATRON it amounts to approximately 5-10% in the region where the cross section is large and could therefore be measured in the next round of experiments. At the LHC the asymmetry can be studied by selecting appropriately chosen kinematical regions.
The radiative return at small angles: virtual corrections
Virtual corrections for electron--positron annihilation into one real and one off-shell photon of invariant mass Q^2 are evaluated. Special attention is paid to those configurations where the real photon is collinear with the beam direction. This calculation is an important ingredient of a Monte Carlo program, which simulates events with tagged photons from initial-state radiation, including NLO corrections.
Charge asymmetry of heavy quarks at hadron colliders
A sizeable difference in the differential production cross section of top and antitop quarks, respectively, is predicted for hadronically produced heavy quarks. It is of order $\alpha_s$ and arises from the interference between charge odd and even amplitudes respectively. For the TEVATRON it amounts up to 15\% for the differential distribution in suitable chosen kinematical regions. The resulting integrated forward-backward asymmetry of 4--5\% could be measured in the next round of experiments. At the LHC the asymmetry can be studied by selecting appropriately chosen kinematical regions. Furthermore, a slight preference at LHC for centrally produced antitop is predicted, with top quarks mor…
The radiative return at $\phi$ - and B-factories: small-angle photon emission at next-to-leading order
The radiative return offers the unique possibility for a measurement of the cross section of electron--positron annihilation into hadrons over a wide range of energies. The large luminosity of present phi- and B-factories easily compensates for the additional factor of alpha due to the emission of a hard photon. Final states with photons at large angles can be easily identified. The rate for events with collinear photons, however, is enhanced by a large logarithm and allows, in particular at lower energies, for a complementary measurement. The Monte Carlo generator PHOKHARA, which includes next to leading order corrections from virtual and real photon emission, has been extended from large …
Radiative return at NLO and the measurement of the hadronic cross-section in electron–positron annihilation
Electron-positron annihilation into hadrons plus an energetic photon from initial state radiation allows the hadronic cross-section to be measured over a wide range of energies. The full next-to-leading order QED corrections for the cross-section for e^+ e^- annihilation into a real tagged photon and a virtual photon converting into hadrons are calculated where the tagged photon is radiated off the initial electron or positron. This includes virtual and soft photon corrections to the process e^+ e^- \to \gamma +\gamma^* and the emission of two real hard photons: e^+ e^- \to \gamma + \gamma + \gamma^*. A Monte Carlo generator has been constructed, which incorporates these corrections and sim…
The radiative return at phi- and B-factories: FSR at next-to-leading order
The measurement of the pion form factor and, more generally, of the cross section for electron--positron annihilation into hadrons through the radiative return has become an important task for high luminosity colliders such as the $\Phi$- or $B$-meson factories. For detailed understanding and analysis of this reaction, the construction of a Monte Carlo program, PHOKHARA, has been undertaken. Version 2.0 was based on a next-to-leading order (NLO) treatment of the corrections from initial-state radiation (ISR). In the present paper a further extension of PHOKHARA (version 3.0) is described, which incorporates NLO corrections to final-state radiation (FSR). The impact of combined ISR and FSR o…
The radiative return at phi- and B-factories: FSR for muon pair production at next-to-leading order
Muon pair production through the radiative return is of importance for a measurement of the hadronic production cross section in two ways: it provides an independent calibration and it may give rise to an important background for a measurement of the pion form factor. With this motivation the Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA is extended to include next-to-leading order radiative corrections to the reaction $e^+e^-\to \mu^+\mu^-\gamma$. Furthermore, virtual ISR corrections to FSR from pions are introduced, which extends the applicability of the generator into a new kinematical regime. Finally, the effect of photon vacuum polarization is introduced into this new version of the generator.
Precision measurement of the hadronic cross-section through the radiative return method
Electron--positron annihilation into hadrons plus an energetic photon from initial-state radiation allows the hadronic cross-section to be measured over a wide range of energies at high luminosity meson factories. Weighted integrals over this cross-section are a decisive input for electroweak precision tests. A Monte Carlo event generator called PHOKHARA has been developed, which simulates $e^+ e^- \to$ hadrons + photon(s) at the NLO accuracy. The latest tests and upgrades are presented in this paper.
Top quarks, axigluons and charge asymmetries at hadron colliders
Final full-text version available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.77.014003
Nucleon form factors, B-meson factories and the radiative return
The feasibility of a measurement of the electric and magnetic nucleon form factors at $B$-meson factories through the radiative return is studied. Angular distributions allow a separation of the contributions from the two form factors. The distributions are presented for the laboratory and the hadronic rest frame, and the advantages of different coordinate systems are investigated. It is demonstrated that $Q^2$ values up to 8 or even 9 GeV$^2$ are within reach. The Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA is extended to nucleon final states, and results are presented which include Next-to-Leading Order radiative corrections from initial-state radiation. The impact of angular cuts on rates and d…
Quest for precision in hadronic cross sections at low energy: Monte Carlo tools vs. experimental data
We present the achievements of the last years of the experimental and theoretical groups working on hadronic cross section measurements at the low-energy e (+) e (-) colliders in Beijing, Frascati, Ithaca, Novosibirsk, Stanford and Tsukuba and on tau decays. We sketch the prospects in these fields for the years to come. We emphasise the status and the precision of the Monte Carlo generators used to analyse the hadronic cross section measurements obtained as well with energy scans as with radiative return, to determine luminosities and tau decays. The radiative corrections fully or approximately implemented in the various codes and the contribution of the vacuum polarisation are discussed.