Edgars Smelovs

DNA-binding studies of a series of novel water-soluble derivatives of 1,4-dihydropyridine

Aim. to determine DNA interaction modes for a series of 1,4-dihydropyridines with different biological activities synthesized in the Latvian Institute of Or-ganic Synthesis. Methods. Affinity of the compounds to DNA was detected by UV/VIS spec-trometry and re-proofed by means of spectrofluorimetry, EBr extrusion assay, cyclic voltammetry and DNA melting. Radical scavenging was tested by electron paramagnetic resonance spectros-copy, peroxynitrite binding was monitored spectrophotometrically, protection of DNA against hydroxyl radical was determined by gel electrophoresis. Results. In a series of water-soluble monocyclic derivatives of 1,4-dihydropyridine with carboxylate groups in position-…

research product

Spectroscopic and electrochemical study of interactions between DNA and different salts of 1,4-dihydropyridine AV-153

1,4-dihydropyridines (1,4-DHP) possess important biochemical and pharmacological properties, including antimutagenic and DNA-binding activity. The latter activity was first described for water-soluble 1,4-DHP with carboxylic group in position 4, the sodium salt of the 1,4-DHP derivative AV-153 among others. Some data show the modification of physicochemical properties and biological activities of organic compounds by metal ions that form the salts. We demonstrated the different affinity to DNA and DNA-protecting capacity of AV-153 salts, depending on the salt-forming ion (Na, K, Li, Rb, Ca, Mg). This study aimed to use different approaches to collate data on the DNA-binding mode of AV-153-N…

research product

Interaction of antimutagenic 1,4-dihydropyridine AV-153-Na with DNA and DNA-damaging molecules and its impact on DNA repair activity

1,4-dihydropyridines (1,4-DHP) possess important biochemical and pharmacological properties, including antioxidant and antimutagenic activities. Interaction of some 1,4-DHP with DNA was recently reported. AV-153-Na, an antimutagenic and DNA-repair-enhancing compound appeared to be able to interact with DNA by intercalation. The aim of the current study was to characterize DNA’s capacity for the binding of AV-153-Na, and using different approaches, to test intracellular distribution of the compound, to test the ability of the compound to scavenge peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radical and to assess the ability of the compound to modify the activity of DNA repair enzymes. The DNA binding activity…

research product

Metālisko elementu sadalījums arheoloģiskā kaula materiāla dažādās daļās

Metālisko elementu sadalījums arheoloģiskā kaulu materiāla dažādās daļās. Smelovs E., zinātniskais vadītājs mag. chem., lektore Z. Balcerbule. Bakalaura darbs, 69 lappuses, 31 attēls, 16 tabulas, 38 literatūras avoti, 5 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. KAULU PARAUGI, DIAĢENĒZE, MINERALIZĀCIJA MIKROVIĻŅOS, METĀLISKO ELEMENTU SATURS KAULOS, LIESMAS ATOMABSORBCIOMETRIJA, INDUKTĪVI SAISTĪTĀS PLAZMAS MASSPEKTROMETRIJA. Eksperimentāli noteikts metālisko elementu saturs kaulu paraugos ar induktīvi saistītās plazmas masspektrometriju. Paraugu sagatavošanā izmantota mineralizācija mikroviļņos. Izpētīts un salīdzināts metālisko elementu saturs arheoloģisko izrakumu kaulu paraugu dažādās daļās. Pārbaudīta …

research product