Thomas W. L. Norman
Approachability in Population Games
This paper reframes approachability theory within the context of population games. Thus, whilst one player aims at driving her average payoff to a predefined set, her opponent is not malevolent but rather extracted randomly from a population of individuals with given distribution on actions. First, convergence conditions are revisited based on the common prior on the population distribution, and we define the notion of \emph{1st-moment approachability}. Second, we develop a model of two coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) in the spirit of mean-field game theory: one describing the best-response of every player given the population distribution (this is a \emph{Hamilton-Jacobi-Bell…
Population Games with Vector Payoff and Approachability
This paper studies population games with vector payoffs. It provides a new perspective on approachability based on mean-field game theory. The model involves a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation which describes the best-response of every player given the population distribution and an advection equation, capturing the macroscopic evolution of average payoffs if every player plays its best response.