C. Cebrian
Acute toxicity and oxygen consumption in the gills of Procambarus clarkii in relation to chlorpyrifos exposure.
The effect of time, concentration and temperature on bioaccumulation in the gill of crayfish procambarus clarkii induced by organochlorine pesticides, lindane and endosulfan
Abstract 1. Crayfish were exposed to 1 25 th 96-hr lc 50 and 96-hr lc 50 of lindane and endosulfan for 1, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hr. 2. Concentrations of lindane and endosulfan were determined in gill tissue at 22°C and 29°C. 3. Clear differences were found in all concentrations, times and temperatures tested in gill tissues. 4. The highest accumulation of pesticide was found in the lc 50 endosulfan value.