Gabriela Casanova

Plasticity of cell proliferation in the retina of Austrolebias charrua fish under light and darkness conditions

Austrolebias annual fishes exhibit cell proliferation and neurogenesis throughout life. They withstand extreme environmental changes as their habitat dries out, pressuring nervous system to adapt. Their visual system is challenged to adjust as the water becomes turbid. Therefore, this study focused on how change in photic envi- ronment can lead to an increased cell proliferation in the retina. We administered 5-chloro-2′- deoxyuridine (CldU) and 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine (IdU) at different temporal windows to detect cell proliferation in natural light and permanent darkness. Stem/progenitor cells were recognized as IdU+/CldU+ nuclei co-labeled with Sox2, Pax6 or BLBP found in the ciliary margi…

research product

Olfacto-retinalis pathway in Austrolebias charrua fishes: A neuronal tracer study

Abstract The olfacto-retinal centrifugal system, a constant component of the central nervous system that appears to exist in all vertebrate groups, is part of the terminal nerve (TN) complex. TN allows the integration of different sensory modalities, and its anatomic variability may have functional and evolutionary significance. We propose that the olfacto-retinal branch of TN is an important anatomical link that allows the functional interaction between olfactory and visual systems in Austrolebias . By injecting three different neuronal tracers (biocytin, horseradish peroxidase, and 1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′tetramethyl-indocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI)) in the left eye of Austrolebias ch…

research product

Stem cells distribution, cellular proliferation and migration in the adult Austrolebias charrua brain.

Our previous studies demonstrated that Austrolebias charrua annual fish is an excellent model to study adult brain cell proliferation and neurogenesis due to the presence of active and fast neurogenesis in several regions during its short lifespan. Our main goal was to identify and localize the cells that compose the neurogenic areas throughout the Austrolebias brain. To do this, we used two thymidine halogenated analogs to detect cell proliferation at different survival times: 5-chloro-2'-deoxyuridine (CldU) at 1day and 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (IdU) at 30days. Three types of proliferating cells were identified: I - transient amplifying or fast cycling cells that uptake CldU; II - stem cells…

research product

Telencephalic-olfactory bulb ventricle wall organization in Austrolebias charrua: Cytoarchitecture, proliferation dynamics, neurogenesis and migration.

Adult neurogenesis participates in fish olfaction sensitivity in response to environmental challenges. Therefore, we investigated if several populations of stem/progenitor cells that are retained in the olfactory bulbs (OB) may constitute different neurogenic niches that support growth and functional demands. By electron microscopy and combination cell proliferation and lineage markers, we found that the telencephalic ventricle wall (VW) at OB level of Austrolebias charrua fish presents three neurogenic niches (transitional 1, medial 2 and ventral 3). The main cellular types described in other vertebrate neurogenic niches were identified (transient amplifying cells, stem cells and migrating…

research product