Timo Salminen

Defending either a personal or an assigned standpoint

Abstract This study clarifies whether a specific type of role play supports upper secondary school students’ collaborative argumentation. Data consist of 12 dyadic face-to-face and 12 chat debates. Data analysis focused on the quality of students’ argumentation. Comparisons were made between students who defended standpoints at variance with their personal opinions on the topics, between the two study modes and topics, and by gender. When the students defended a standpoint differing from their personal opinion, the male students engaged in counterargumentation more often than the female students. When, in turn, the students defended their personal standpoint, they produced both counterargum…

research product

Visualising knowledge from chat debates in argument diagrams

This study investigates whether combining chat discussion and construction of an argument diagram stimulates students to formulate new ideas in practising argumentation. In this study, 16 secondary school students discussed vivisection and gender equality in pairs using both free and structured chat tools. In structured chat, the students selected and completed partial sentences provided by the computer. After the discussion, they jointly constructed either argument diagrams freely based on the previous discussions with an Internet tool or modified a diagram the computer had constructed automatically during the structured chat. The freely constructed diagrams contained more of the students'…

research product

Computer‐based and Face‐to‐face Collaborative Argumentation in Secondary Schools in England and Finland

Abstract This article focuses on the analysis of secondary school students’ argumentative interactions in England and Finland, within specific face‐to‐face and computer‐based environments. We propose that a combination of learning environments, in conjunction with teacher input and support, is important for developing argumentation skills in the classroom. Face‐to‐face argumentation, in particular, offers ample opportunity for concentrating on the quality (through deeper exploration) of arguments; such learning can enhance the construction of well‐structured arguments often associated with some computer‐based environments, such as synchronous computer chat.

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Argumentation in Secondary School Students' Structured and Unstructured Chat Discussions

Joint construction of new knowledge demands that persons can express their statements in a convincing way and explore other people's arguments constructively. For this reason, more knowledge on different means to support collaborative argumentation is needed. This study clarifies whether structured interaction supports students' critical and elaborative argumentation. The study compares the quality of secondary school students' argumentation during structured and unstructured chat interaction. The data consist of 16 dyadic chat discussions: 8 discussions concerned vivisection and 8 gender equality. Half of the discussions were carried out through structured chat, and the other half through…

research product

Opetussuunnitelmatyön 2018-2020 arviointi Jyväskylän yliopistossa

research product

Argumentointitaidot ovat tärkeä kansalaistaito

Argumentointitaitoja tarvitaan, kun osallistumme rakentavaan keskusteluun ja arvioimme tiedon luotettavuutta. Monet tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että lapsilla, nuorilla ja aikuisilla on puutteita argumentointitaidoissa. Keväällä julkaistussa väitöstutkimuksessa keskityttiin lukiolaisten argumentointitaitojen edistämiseen hyödyntämällä tieto- ja viestintäteknologiaa. nonPeerReviewed

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Avoimen väylä hakutapana yliopistokoulutukseen : raportti opinto-ohjaajille ja yliopistojen opintohallinnon henkilöstölle suunnattujen kyselyjen tuloksista

Jyväskylän yliopiston Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos toteutti keväällä 2020 selvityksen, jossa Toinen reitti yliopistoon -hankkeen (TRY) toimeksiannosta toteutettiin kaksi kyselyä avoimesta väylästä hakutapana yliopistokoulutukseen. Toinen kysely suunnattiin opinto-ohjaajille eri koulutusasteilla ja toinen hankkeessa mukana olevien yliopistojen opintohallinnon henkilöstölle. Kyselyjen tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietoa TRY-hankkeelle avoimen väylän kehittämiseen, minkä vuoksi kyselyjen pääteemat ja kohderyhmät valittiin niin, että kerättävä tieto mahdollisimman hyvin palvelee hankkeen tiedontarpeita. Tutkijat ja hanketoimijat tekivät yhteistyötä kyselylomakkeiden laadinnassa ja aineistonkeruun kä…

research product

Student evaluations of the credibility and argumentation of online sources

This study investigated upper secondary school students’ skills in evaluating the credibility and argumentative content of a blog text and a YouTube video. Both sources concerned child vaccination, the blog text opposing and the YouTube video supporting it. Students rated each source as credible, fairly credible or non-credible, justified their ratings, and analyzed the argumentation of both sources. Their justifications were analyzed for trustworthiness and expertise and their argument analyses for identification of the main position of the source and the reasons supporting it. Students’ justification skills proved fairly weak, and they also struggled with recognizing unbalanced argumentat…

research product

Kasvokkain ja sähköpostitse : argumentoiva dialogi oppimisympäristönä yliopistossa

research product

Visualising knowledge from chat debates in argument diagrams

This study investigates whether combining chat discussion and construction of an argument diagram stimulates students to formulate new ideas in practising argumentation. In this study, 16 secondary school students discussed vivisection and gender equality in pairs using both free and structured chat tools. In structured chat, the students selected and completed partial sentences provided by the computer. After the discussion, they jointly constructed either argument diagrams freely based on the previous discussions with an Internet tool or modified a diagram the computer had constructed automatically during the structured chat. The freely constructed diagrams contained more of the students'…

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