Piazza F
[Conservative treatment of locally advanced bladder carcinoma: neoadjuvant chemotherapy, TUR and radiotherapy. Results in 40 patients]
to assess the results of bladder preservation in infiltrating bladder cancer. The potential for neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by extensive TUR and radiotherapy was investigated in 40 patients with T2-T4a G2-G3 bladder carcinoma.from 1983 to 1995, 40 patients were submitted to bladder-sparing treatment consisting of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, extensive, TUR and radiotherapy. Most patients had T3G3 cancer. Cystectomy was not performed due to patient" choice in 29 cases (72.5%), for severe pulmonary or cardiovascular disease in disease in 9 patients (22.5) and age over 80 in 2 (5%) patients. A deep TUR-biopsy was performed before and after chemotherapy and an extensive TUR was repeated at t…
Il corpo delle emozioni. Una prospettiva antica sull’intreccio tra menti, corpi e parole
In this paper we propose a reflection on the intertwining of mind, body, and words in ancient Greek thought, with specific reference to Gorgias and Aristotle. In particular, we believe that it was the reflection developed within rhetoric – though not the only one – that played a central role in the first articulation of the conceptual framework where the relationship between soul and body, in a very peculiar and specific way, takes place. There are at least two salient features of this rhetorical perspective, which will be investigated here with specific reference, as mentioned, to Gorgias and Aristotle: the insistence on the close interrelationship between body and soul, an interrelationsh…
Filosofie del linguaggio. Storie, autori, concetti.
Il linguaggio è il fatto più complesso della vita umana. Per comprenderlo occorre una molteplicità di prospettive, tutte necessarie, nessuna autosufficiente. Oggigiorno il suo studio è affidato a linguisti, neurologi, biologi e studiosi dell'evoluzione. Finalmente — si dice — il linguaggio è esaminato in modo scientifico. Eppure quando uno scienziato lo definisce, ad esempio, come un "sistema di comunicazione", in realtà si basa su un presupposto filosofico implicito di cui forse non si rende conto. Per comprendere l'oggetto "linguaggio" è allora necessario sia uno studio scientifico sia una riflessione filosofica sella storia dell’idea di linguaggio. Filosofia del linguaggio e storia della…