Simone Haas
Transgenic systems in studies on genotoxicity of alkylating agents: critical lesions, thresholds and defense mechanisms
Abstract Transgenic systems, both cell lines and mice with gain or loss of function, are being used in order to modulate the expression of DNA repair proteins, thus allowing to assess their contribution to the defense against genotoxic mutagens and carcinogens. In this review, questions have been addressed concerning the use of transgenic systems in elucidating critical primary DNA lesions, their conversion into genotoxic endpoints, low-dose effects, and the relative contribution of individual cellular functions in defense. It has been shown that the repair protein alkyltransferase (MGMT) is decisive for protection against methylating and chloroethylating compounds. Protection pertains also…
O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase activity in breast and brain tumors.
The DNA repair protein O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) is a main determinant of resistance of tumor cells to the cytostatic activity of chemotherapeutic alkylating agents (methylating and chloroethylating nitrosoureas) and is effective in protecting normal cells against genotoxic and carcinogenic effects resulting from DNA alkylation. Therefore, the level of expression of MGMT is significant for the response of both the tumor and the non-target tissue following application of nitrosoureas in tumor therapy. To determine the expression of MGMT in tumor tissue, we have assayed MGMT activity in 68 breast carcinomas and 38 brain tumors. There was a wide variation of MGMT expression…
Inducible Responses and Protective Functions of Mammalian Cells Upon Exposure to UV Light and Ionizing Radiation
In mammalian cells, ultraviolet (UV) light as well as ionizing radiation (IR) transcriptionally activate the early-responsive genes c-fos, c jun,junB and junD. The induction of fos and jun by UV-C is currently understood to occur via activation of the EGF receptor and the Ras, Raf, ERK and JNK cascade leading ultimately to phosphorylation of transcription factors such as Fos and Jun (AP-1). This, finally, gives rise to transcriptional activation of AP-1 dependent target genes. Another gene we have recently demonstrated to be immediate-early inducible upon UV-irradiation encodes the Ras-related small GTPase RhoB. The pathway of rhoB induction appears to be different from fos/jun because (i) …