M. Kachelriess
Monte Carlo simulation for jet fragmentation in SUSY QCD
We present results from a new Monte Carlo simulation for jet fragmentation in QCD and SUSY QCD for large primary energies $\sqrt s$ up to $10^{16}$ GeV. In the case of SUSY QCD the simulation takes into account not only gluons and quarks as cascading particles, but also their supersymmetric partners. A new model-independent hadronization scheme is developed, in which the hadronization functions are found from LEP data. An interesting feature of SUSY QCD is the prediction of a sizeable flux of the lightest supersymmetric particles (LSPs), if R-parity is conserved. About 10% of the jet energy is transferred to LSPs which, owing to their harder spectra, constitute an important part of the spec…
Supernova Bounds on Majoron-emitting decays of light neutrinos
Neutrino masses arising from the spontaneous violation of ungauged lepton-number are accompanied by a physical Goldstone boson, generically called Majoron. In the high-density supernova medium the effects of Majoron-emitting neutrino decays are important even if they are suppressed in vacuo by small neutrino masses and/or small off-diagonal couplings. We reconsider the influence of these decays on the neutrino signal of supernovae in the light of recent Super-Kamiokande data on solar and atmospheric neutrinos. We find that majoron-neutrino coupling constants in the range $3\times 10^{-7}\lsim g\lsim 2\times 10^{-5}$ or $g \gsim 3 \times 10^{-4}$ are excluded by the observation of SN1987A. T…
Large lepton mixing and supernova 1987A
We reconsider the impact of $\bar\nu_e \leftrightarrow \bar\nu_{\mu,\tau}$ neutrino oscillations on the observed $\bar\nu_e$ signal of supernova SN 1987A. Performing a maximum-likelihood analysis using as fit parameters the released binding energy $\Eb$ and the average neutrino energy $\Ee$, we find as previous analyses that $\bar\nu_e \leftrightarrow \bar\nu_{\mu,\tau}$ oscillations with large mixing angles have lower best-fit values for $\Ee$ than small-mixing angle (SMA) oscillations. Moreover, the inferred value of $\Ee$ is already in the SMA case lower than those found in simulations. This apparent conflict has been interpreted as evidence against the large mixing oscillation solutions…