Rosa Ballester


Contractile effects of arginine analogues on human internal thoracic and radial arteries

Abstract Objectives: Plasma levels of endogenous guanidino-substituted analogues of L -arginine are increased in various pathologic conditions. In the present study we determined the effects of some of these compounds on basal and stimulated release of nitric oxide in human internal thoracic and radial arteries. Methods: Rings of human internal thoracic and radial arteries were obtained from 16 multiorgan donors. The rings were suspended in organ baths for isometric recording of tension. Results: N G -monomethyl L -arginine (10 –6 to 10 –3 mol/L) and N G ,N G -dimethyl L -arginine (10 –6 to 10 –3 mol/L) caused concentration- and endothelium-dependent contractions. Maximal force of contracti…

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The Eradication of Poliomyelitis in Spain: Projects, Obstacles, Achievements, Realities

he main aim of our paper is to provide a historical approach to the complex process undertaken in Spain to achieve the official WHO certificate of polio eradication in 2002, within the framework of the initiatives launched in the WHO European Region. At the time of the first meeting of the European Regional Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication in 1996, the epidemiological situation and levels of vaccination cover (over 90%) enabled Spain, like other countries, to ensure compliance with the conditions set by the World Health Organization. This showed that the country, at the end of the twentieth century, had achieved high public health standards, which is remarkable …

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La Asociación Europea contra la Poliomielitis y los programas europeos de vacunación

La búsqueda de una respuesta europea al problema planteado por los brotes epidémicos de poliomielitis en las décadas centrales del siglo XX, desembocó en la creación de un organismo nuevo, la Asociación Europea contra la Poliomielitis en 1951. Los mecanismos de funcionamiento interno y las conexiones internacionales de dicha Asociación fueron subsidiarios de un determinado contexto socio-político que propiciaba este tipo de consorcios. Como muestra este trabajo, su labor en los dieciocho años de existencia fue decisiva para la articulación y el éxito alcanzado por las políticas sanitarias nacionales de inmunización masiva frente a la enfermedad.

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U-46619-induced potentiation of noradrenergic constriction in the human saphenous vein: antagonism by thromboxane receptor blockade.

Objective: We investigated the potentiating effect of U-46619, a synthetic analogue of thromboxane A2 (TXA2), on the adrenergic responses in human saphenous vein. Methods: Saphenous vein rings were obtained from 35 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. The rings were suspended in organ bath chambers for isometric recording of tension. Results: U-46619 (10−10–3×10−7 mol/l) produced concentration-dependent and endothelium-independent contractile responses. U-46619 (10−10 mol/l) potentiated the contractions elicited by electrical stimulation and potassium chloride, and produced leftward shifts of the concentration–response curve for noradrenaline. The TXA2 receptor antagonist SQ-…

research product

Políticas sanitarias locales puestas a prueba: consultores, expertos, misiones internacionales y poliomielitis en España, 1950-1975 = Local health policies under the microscope: consultants, experts, international missions and poliomyelitis in Spain, 1950-1975

Aquest treball analitza les missions d'experts d'organismes sanitaris internacionals a Espanya destinades a informar sobre la situació, les activitats realitzades i les intervencions necessàries en la lluita contra la discapacitat física dels xiquets. El Pla Espanya-23 va ser l'instrument utilitzat per l'OMS i altres agències per a posar en marxa el procés de canvi en un país en transformació durant la llarga etapa de vigència de la dictadura franquista. El treball utilitza com a fonts informes inèdits d'experts de l'OMS, que van ser resultat de visites realitzades al país entre 1950 i 1975. L'abordatge metodològic va consistir en una anàlisi del discurs que es troba en les fonts i la seua …

research product

Effects of antidepressants in adrenergic neurotransmission of human vas deferens

Objectives. To evaluate the effects of sertraline, fluoxetine, and amitriptyline on the contractile responses of the human vas deferens muscle elicited by norepinephrine, electrical field stimulation, and KCl, because the therapeutic action of antidepressants may be accompanied by sexual dysfunction related to the contractility of the vas deferens smooth muscle. Methods. Ring segments of the epididymal part of the vas deferens were taken from 32 elective vasectomies and mounted in organ baths for isometric recording of tension. We then studied the effects of sertraline, fluoxetine, and amitriptyline on the neurogenic and agonist-induced contractile responses. Results. Amitriptyline caused c…

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Spain and the international scientific conferences on polio, 1940s-1960s

The development of international health from a historical point of view has undergone major advances in recent times and constitutes a substantial part of the current agenda for historians of medicine. Within this framework, and focussing on a specific case study (international responses to poliomyelitis outbreaks in the 20th century), we explore the main actions and achievements of agencies such as the WHO and other private and international scientific organizations. Furthermore, this paper seeks to identify the Spanish presence and absence in these activities, their causes and consequences.

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