Characterization of an epithelial, nearly diploid liver cell strain, from Chinese hamster, able to activate promutagens
Epithelial liver cells of the Chinese hamster (CHEL cells) were propagated in culture for 35 passages. At favourable cell densities, the population doubling time in normal medium, was 20 h. L-Tyrosine amino transferase activity was retained at a measurable level, but its enhancement by dexamethasone was detected solely in cells of early passages. Pyruvate kinase was strongly activated by fructose-1,6-biphosphate at low substrate concentrations. These enzymatic properties suggest that the CHEL cells are derived from a sub-population of parenchymal hepatocytes or from cells closely related to parenchymal hepatocytes. With a lag period of a few hours, CHEL cultures metabolized benzo[a]pyrene. …