As Luyt
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di compositi polimetilmetacrilato e nano-SiO2, -TiO2 o -ZrO2
Ce:YAG composites for white LED
Composites and luminescent polymers have been recently found to be potential candidates for the development of white LED, lasers and luminescent concentrators for solar cells. Due to its luminescence properties YAG doped with lanthanides ions is a good candidate as light emitting filler. In a recent our work, the preparation of a polymeric nanocomposite containing Ce:YAG nanoparticles using in situ polymerization has been reported [1]. A good dispersion of Ce:YAG nanoparticles has been obtained maintaining them luminescence properties. In addition, an increase of thermal stability and stiffness of PMMA was observed [2]. Then, the preparation of Ce:YAG-PMMA composite has been performed by us…
As the filler influences morphology, mechanical properties and thermal degradation of a polymer
Preparation and characterization of Ce:YAG-PMMA and Ce:YAG-PC composites for white LED
Polymeric composites of lanthanide-doped materials were considered as potential candidates for the development of white LED. Ce:YAG-PMMA and Ce:YAG-PC composites were prepared by melt compounding. The characterization was performed using transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, thermogravimetry and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The effect of filler quantity, in the range 0.1-5 wt.%, on the morphology, optical and thermal properties was investigated.