A Di Franco
Evaluation of the impact of a small marina on intertidal assemblages
Valutazione della vulnerabilità alla frequentazione subacquea di grotte sommerse: applicazione in tre AMP italiane
Do small marinas drive habitat specific impacts? A case study from Mediterranean Sea
Many human activities add new structures to the marine landscape. Despite the fact that human structures cause some inevitable impacts, surprisingly little information exists on the effects of marina on natural marine assemblages. The aim of this paper is to assess habitat-specific response of benthic sessile organisms of rocky shores in relation to the presence of a small marina. Sampling was carried out at three coastal habitats (midshore, lowshore and subtidal) by means of visual censuses adopting an after-control-impact (ACI) experimental design. It appears that the marina affects the structure and composition of benthic communities of both the midshore and the lowshore. Little effect w…