Mimma Emanuela Gennaro
Sulphur behaviour in Etnean magmatic system (Italy
Sulfur is an essential volatile component of basaltic magmas and it is mostly dissolved as S6+ and/or S2- depending on the redox conditions. Mt. Etna continuously discharges enormous quantity of SO2 (~3563 t/d [1]). However these high flows are not fully understood in terms of S origin (magmatic or crustal) and of its behavior during magmatic evolution (fractional crystallization, magma mixing, vapor/melt fractionation [2]). Our research combines the study of sulfur in natural olivine hosted melt inclusions with an experimental study on S solubility in hydrous alkali basalts at magmatic conditions. We report new data of S in melt inclusions, belonging to six of the most characteristic Etnea…
Melt inclusions constrain S behaviour and redox conditions in Etnean magmas
Mount Etna is a complex magmatic system characterized by a continuous variability both in terms of eruptive style and composition of erupted products. Currently, its volcanic activity is marked by high gas fluxes (of above all SO2), both during eruptive and non-eruptive periods. In this study, we have studied the volatile contents and Fe speciation of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from 6 eruptions of the last 15 ky, mainly to investigate the behaviour of S during ascent and differentiation of Etnean magmas. Samples selected come from the FS eruption which is the oldest and most primitive (picritic composition, Fo91), the Mt Spagnolo and from more recent eruptions: 2002/3, 2006, 2008, and 2…
Le comportement du soufre et les conditions d'oxydoréduction dans les basaltes hydratés de l'Etna inférés par des inclusions vitreuses et des verres expérimentaux
Sulfur is an important volatile component of magmas that presents different oxidation states, depending on the redox conditions and on the phase of occurrence: in silicate melts it is typically dissolved as S⁶⁺ and/or S²⁻ , in the gas phase it occurs principally as SO₂ (S⁴⁺ ) and H₂S (S²⁻). Mount Etna, in which magmatic redox conditions are poorly constrained, is used as a case study to investigate sulfur behavior in hydrous basaltic magmas during magma differentiation and degassing. This research integrates the study of natural olivine-hosted melt inclusions with an experimental study on S solubility in hydrous alkali basalts at magmatic conditions.Experimental results suggest the importan…