B. A. Weinstein
Pressure measurements of TO-phonon anharmonicity in isotopic ZnS
We have measured the dependence on pressure of the line-widths of the TO and LO Raman phonons of β-ZnS. In order to enhance the phenomena observed, and to eliminate possible effects of isotopic disorder, we have measured a nearly isotopically pure crystal, 68 Zn 32 S. The strongly structured pressure effects observed are interpreted on the basis of anharmonic decay and the corresponding two-phonon density of states.
Raman scattering inβ-ZnS
The first- and second-order Raman spectra of cubic ZnS $(\ensuremath{\beta}$-ZnS, zinc-blende) are revisited. We consider spectra measured with two laser lines for samples with different isotopic compositions, aiming at a definitive assignment of the observed Raman features and the mechanisms which determine the linewidth of the first order TO and LO Raman phonons. For this purpose, the dependence of the observed spectra on temperature and pressure is investigated. The linewidth of the TO phonons is found to vary strongly with pressure and isotopic masses. Pressure runs, up to 15 GPa, were performed at 16 K and 300 K. Whereas well-defined TO Raman phonons were observed at low temperature in…