Cancer pain management in an oncological ward in a comprehensive cancer center with an established palliative care unit
Abstract BACKGROUND: This survey was performed to draw information on pain prevalence, intensity, and management from a sample of patients who were admitted to an oncologic center where a palliative care unit (PCU) has been established for 13 years. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey in an oncological department performed 1 day per month for six consecutive months. RESULTS: Of the 385 patients, 69.1, 19.2, 8.6, and 3.1 % had no pain, mild, moderate, and severe pain, respectively. Inpatients and patients with a low Karnofsky score showed higher levels of pain intensity (p < 0.0005). One hundred twenty-eight patients with pain or receiving analgesics were analyzed for pain management index (PMI)…