José Luis Izquierdo Alonso

A multivariate approach of changes in filamentous, nitrifying and protist communities and nitrogen removal efficiencies during ozone dosage in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant

[EN] The application of low ozone dosage to minimize the problems caused by filamentous foaming was evaluated in two bioreactors of an urban wastewater treatment plant. Filamentous and nitrifying bacteria, as well as protist and metazoa, were monitored throughout a one-year period by FISH and conventional microscopy to examine the effects of ozone application on these specific groups of microorganisms. Multivariate data analysis was used to determine if the ozone dosage was a key factor determining the low carbon and nitrogen removal efficiencies observed throughout the study period, as well as to evaluate its impact on the biological communities monitored. The results of this study suggest…

research product

Auditoria clínica de los pacientes hospitalizados por exacerbación de EPOC en España (estudio AUDIPOC): método y organización del trabajo

Antecedentes Existe poca informacion sobre el manejo clinico de pacientes ingresados en hospitales publicos espanoles con un diagnostico de exacerbacion de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cronica. AUDIPOC es una auditoria clinica sobre el manejo de exacerbacion de EPOC en Espana. Objetivos Validar la adecuacion y validez de los instrumentos de medicion de las variables propuestas en AUDIPOC Espana (estudio preliminar) y verificar su viabilidad en un medio complejo con hospitales de tamano, recursos y organizacion diferentes (estudio piloto). Material y metodos El estudio preliminar se realizo en 4 hospitales y 213 casos. El estudio piloto en 30 hospitales de 6 comunidades autonomas y 1.203 …

research product

[Clinical audit of patients admitted to hospital in Spain due to exacerbation of COPD (AUDIPOC study): method and organisation].

There is little information regarding the clinical management of hospital inpatients diagnosed with exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). AUDIPOC is a clinical audit dealing with the clinical management of COPD in Spain.To examine the adequacy and validity of the instruments used to measure the variables proposed by AUDIPOC Spain (Preliminary Study) and to verify the viability of AUDIPOC in a complex environment with hospitals of different sizes, resources, and organizational layout (Pilot Study).The Preliminary Study took place in 4 hospitals and studied 213 cases. The Pilot Study took place in 30 hospitals of 6 Autonomous Communities (i.e. Regions) and studied 1203…

research product