Treatment of refractory uveitis with adalimumab: a prospective multicenter study of 131 patients.
To evaluate adalimumab therapy in refractory uveitis.Prospective case series.A total of 131 patients with refractory uveitis and intolerance or failure to respond to prednisone and at least 1 other systemic immunosuppressive drug participated.Patients received a 40 mg adalimumab subcutaneous injection every other week for 6 months. The associated immunosuppressants were tapered after administering 3 adalimumab injections (week 6).Degree of anterior and posterior chamber inflammation (Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature Working Group criteria), immunosuppression load (as defined by Nussenblatt et al), visual acuity (logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution [logMAR]), and macular thic…