Shyuichi Izumiya
The horospherical Gauss-Bonnet type theorem in hyperbolic space
We introduce the notion horospherical curvatures of hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space and show that totally umbilic hypersurfaces with vanishing cur- vatures are only horospheres. We also show that the Gauss-Bonnet type theorem holds for the horospherical Gauss-Kronecker curvature of a closed orientable even dimensional hypersurface in hyperbolic space. + (i1) by using the model in Minkowski space. We introduced the notion of hyperbolic Gauss indicatrices slightly modified the definition of hyperbolic Gauss maps. The notion of hyperbolic indicatrices is independent of the choice of the model of hyperbolic space. Using the hyperbolic Gauss indicatrix, we defined the principal hyperbolic curv…
Some geometrical properties associated to the contact of submanifolds with hyperhorospheres in hyperbolic -space are studied as an application of the theory of Legendrian singularities.
Umbilicity of space-like submanifolds of Minkowski space
We study some properties of space-like submanifolds in Minkowski n-space, whose points are all umbilic with respect to some normal field. As a consequence of these and some results contained in a paper by Asperti and Dajczer, we obtain that being ν-umbilic with respect to a parallel light-like normal field implies conformal flatness for submanifolds of dimension n − 2 ≥ 3. In the case of surfaces, we relate the umbilicity condition to that of total semi-umbilicity (degeneracy of the curvature ellipse at every point). Moreover, if the considered normal field is parallel, we show that it is everywhere time-like, space-like or light-like if and only if the surface is included in a hyperbolic 3…
The horospherical geometry of surfaces in hyperbolic 4-space
We study some geometrical properties associated to the contacts of surfaces with hyperhorospheres inH + 4 (−1). We introduce the concepts of osculating hyperhorospheres, horobinormals, horoasymptotic directions and horospherical points and provide conditions ensuring their existence. We show that totally semiumbilical surfaces have orthogonal horoasymptotic directions.
Singularities of lightlike hypersurfaces in Minkowski four-space
We classify singularities of lightlike hypersurfaces in Minkowski 4-space via the contact invariants for the corresponding spacelike surfaces and lightcones.
Flat lightlike hypersurfaces in Lorentz–Minkowski 4-space
Abstract The lightlike hypersurfaces in Lorentz–Minkowski space are of special interest in Relativity Theory. In particular, the singularities of these hypersurfaces provide good models for the study of different horizon types. We introduce the notion of flatness for these hypersurfaces and study their singularities. The classification result asserts that a generic classification of flat lightlike hypersurfaces is quite different from that of generic lightlike hypersurfaces.
Global properties of codimension two spacelike submanifolds in Minkowski space
Abstract We consider codimension two spacelike submanifolds with a parallel normal field (i.e. vanishing normal curvature) in Minkowski space. We use the analysis of their contacts with hyperplanes and hyperquadrics in order to get some global information on them. As a consequence we obtain new versions of Carathéodory's and Loewner's conjectures on spacelike surfaces in 4-dimensional Minkowski space and 4-flattenings theorems for closed spacelike curves in 3-dimensional Minkowski space.