José Leitão


Purification and characterization of a pore-forming protein from the marine sponge Tethya lyncurium

A pore-forming protein was detected and purified for the first time from a marine sponge (Tethya lyncurium). The purified protein has a polypeptide molecular mass of 21 kDa and a pI of 6.4. Tethya pore-forming protein (also called Tethya hemolysin) rapidly lysed erythrocytes from a variety of organisms. After binding to target membranes, the hemolysin resisted elution with EDTA, salt or solutions of low ionic strength and hence resembled an integral membrane protein. Erythrocytes could be protected from hemolysis induced by Tethya hemolysin by addition of 30 mM dextran 4 (4-6 kDa; equivalent hydrodynamic diffusion radius, 1.75-2.3 nm) to the extracellular medium, but not by addition of unch…

research product

A novel method for determination of inorganic polyphosphates using the fluorescent dye fura-2.

A method for determining inorganic polyphosphate, which is based on the Mn2+-induced quenching of the fluorescence of the calcium indicator fura-2, is described. The effect of Mn2+ ions on fura-2 fluorescence is gradually abolished in the presence of increasing concentrations of polyphosphate; this allows the quantification both of synthetic polyphosphates and of the naturally occurring polymer isolated from tissues or cells. The described method has some advantages compared to conventional procedures for detection of polyphosphates based on the metachromatic effect on toluidine blue. It can be applied for the determination of pyrophosphate, tripolyphosphate and other short-chain polyphosph…

research product

Changes in metabolism of inorganic polyphosphate in rat tissues and human cells during development and apoptosis

Age-dependent studies show that the amount of inorganic polyphosphate in rat brain strongly increases after birth. Maximal levels were found in 12-months old animals. Thereafter, the concentration of total polyphosphate decreases to about 50%. This decrease in the concentration of total polyphosphate is due to a decrease in the amount of insoluble, long-chain polyphosphates. The amount of soluble, long-chain polyphosphates does not change significantly in the course of ageing. In rat embryos and newborns, mainly soluble polyphosphates could be detected. In rat liver, the age-dependent changes are less pronounced. The changes in polyphosphate level are accompanied by changes in exopolyphosph…

research product