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Emorroidi e Ragadi
Embriogenesi e malformazioni dell’apparato urinario e genitale maschile
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Giant condyloma acuminatum quickly growing: case report
Background. Giant Condyloma Acuminatum (GCA) is a rare, slow growing, large cauliflower tumor of the penile foreskin and peria- nal region with benign histologic appearance but high propensity for lo- cal invasion and recurrences. GCA is associated with Human Papillo- ma Virus (HPV) types 6 and 11 and it also has considerable risk of neo- plastic transformation into fully invasive squamous cell carcinoma in- to about 5 years. Objective. Because of the rarity of perianal GCA, to date there is no general agreement on the best method for treatment. We wanted to know if surgical approach only was a good method to treat our case. Case report. A 28 years old man, HIV-negative, with a 4 years hi- …