G. Lavanco

Introduzione. Elogio della responsabilità

L’occasione offerta dalla realizzazione del convegno, tenutosi a Palermo nel giugno 2018, può collocarsi dentro un doppio universo semantico: la libertà e l’appartenenza.

research product

Community Participation in Urban Suburbs: The Italian Case of Z.E.N. Slum of Palermo

Based on Kurt Lewin’s Action Research theory, the paper focuses on an Action Research project issued in Southern Italy, in the disadvantaged suburb of Palermo (Sicily), called Z.E.N., sadly famous as a dangerous and “criminogenic” urban slum, in order to stimulate social participation and to develop social change. The principal goal was the empowerment of ordinary inhabitants, obtaining their collaboration through participation, giving them acquisition of knowledge for a real social change.

research product

Pharmacological treatment of sensorineural hearing loss

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is a common and alarming symptom of about 360 million people that suffer from hearing impairment worldwide. The sudden sensorineural hearing loss usually arises unilaterally and it is habitually described as greater than 30dB hearing reduction, attributable to lesions of the cochlea, cranial nerve VIII, brainstem and temporal lobe. There are many factor that promote the onset of this lesions such us infections, circulatory diseases, inner ear neoplasia and neurological disorders. This pathology is characterized by primary symptoms such as the impairment of the comprehension of spoken language and the struggling to listen to music. Subsequently, secondary sy…

research product

Role of cannabinoids in the treatment of tinnitus

Tinnitus is a frequent symptom in audiological clinical practice characterized by an abnormal noise perceived in one or both ears or in the head, in which a patient has a conscious hearing percept in absence of external sound. Tinnitus might be caused by a homeostatic response of central dorsal cochlear nucleus auditory neurons that makes them hyperactive in compensation to auditory input loss. One hypothesis suggests that tinnitus is a sensory form of epilepsy that involves the cochlear nucleus and the inferior colliculus, which display impairment in the electrical activity in the auditory system. This alteration determines a synaptic plasticity in the dorsal cochlear nucleus that becomes …

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Adolescenti e giovani detenuti fra legalità e cultura criminale: la gestione degli eventi critici

research product

Pharmacological therapy of newborn babies admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit

Newborn babies who need intensive medical care are often sheltered into a special area of the hospital called Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). In this structure, babies are regularly subject to conditions that would be considered harmful by older children and adults. In the last years, many clinical researches have paid particular attention to effectiveness of various pharmacological therapies, regularly used in neonatal intensive care that have sharply reduced mortality of newborn and preterm infants. Although there are many classes of drugs used for the treatment of different diseases (sepsis, pain, seizures, pulmonary hypertension and infection), the fledgling population is more diff…

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"Il paradiso perduto”. Costruire comunità al tempo delle migrazioni e delle paure

research product

Ponti e guadi, metafore del lavoro di comunità

research product