R. Arrigo

“Resistenza alla termo-ossidazione di nanocompositi a base di UHMWPE e nanoparticelle multifunzionali ibride”

Resistenza alla termo-ossidazione; UHMWPE; nanoparticelle multifunzionali ibride

research product

Anti-/pro-oxidant concentration-dependent activity of natural phenolic compounds in bio-polyesters

Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable bio-based polyester of increasing industrial interest because of its unique properties, such as low toxicity, bio- and eco-compatibility. Indeed, PLA is a suitable material for several “green” applications in different fields, among other food packaging, textile fibres and biomedical devices [1]. PLA performances, in terms of durability, are limited by several chemical aging mechanisms, such as thermal decomposition, hydrolysis, photo-oxidation, natural weathering and thermo-oxidation at high temperature [2]. Therefore, to avoid the decay of its physical and mechanical properties, the addition of anti-oxidants and/or light stabilizers is imperative. …

research product

Multi-functional Stabilizers-functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for advanced Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene-based Nanocomposites

Stabilizing molecules, such as hindered phenols (both synthetic and naturally occurring), polyphenols and hindered amine light stabilizers, were covalently linked or physically absorbed onto outer surface of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and the obtained multi-functional fillers (Stab-f-CNTs) were dispersed in Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) aiming at obtaining advanced nanocomposites with enhanced thermo- and/or photo-oxidative stability, electrical and mechanical properties. The chemical grafting or physical absorption of stabilizing molecules is confirmed by spectroscopic, spectrometric and thermo-gravimetric analyses, and the influence of the multi-functional na…

research product