Lucia Navarro Gomez

De l'inefficacité du système français d'enseignement supérieur

Rapport commandité par le CNRS; International audience

research product

Evolución del rendimiento del capital humano en España desde 1981 a 1991

International audience

research product

Rendimiento monetario de la educación en España en la última decada

Actes des 11ème rencontres universitaires sur l'économie de l'Europe du Sud, 1995, Faro; International audience

research product

Los gastos privados de educación en Andalucía

International audience

research product

Uso del tiempo y exito en la Universidad

Actes publiés dans "Anales de Economia Aplicada", Caja de Murcia, 1997. IV Reunión Anual de ASEPELT-ESPAÑA : Murcia, 19 y 20 de junio de 1990; International audience

research product

Organisation and Efficiency of Education Systems: Some empirical findings

Using a sample of countries chosen for their similar level of development, this article shows the extent to which the organisation of primary and secondary education differs from one country to another, notably with respect to the way in which systems differentiate and select pupils for specialised curricula. It also explores the question of whether an education system that sorts pupils at a very early age is more cost-effective than a system that does not sort pupils during compulsory education. The stylised description of national education systems is based on various sources of information. The data used in the cost analysis come from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develo…

research product