Pietro Pavone

Seed germination in the Sicilian subspecies ofDianthus rupicolaBiv. (Caryophyllaceae)

Abstract Five populations belonging to three subspecies of Dianthus rupicola Biv. (D. rupicola subsp. rupicola, D. rupicola subsp. aeolicus, and D. rupicola subsp. lopadusanus) and growing in different geographical areas of Sicily were tested for seed germination at various temperatures. All populations showed high germination rates with an optimum temperature between 15°C and 25°C. Efficient seed germination might contribute significantly to the preservation of these subspecies which are currently exposed to several environmental threats.

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Sustainable gardens: an evaluation tool for management and planning strategies.

An evaluation tool was defined in order to manage gardens considering the six main directives of sustainability, from plant collections to public awareness and fruition.

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Cytotaxonomical investigation on Allium paniculatum ssp. exaltatum (Alliaceae) from Cyprus.

Arare Allium endemic to Cyprus island, known as A. paniculatum subsp. exaltatum, is here examined. Relevant features in its morphology, caryology and leaf anatomy emphasize the marked taxonomic isolation of this taxon and allow it to be treated as a distinct species, proposed as Allium exaltatum. It is an exaploid plant (2n=48), probably arisen out of allopolyploidy and morphologically related only to some Middle East taxa.

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Biosystematic researches on Allium cupani group (Amaryllidaceae) in the Mediterranean area.

Allium cupani Raf. is a species complex of the subgenus Allium L., which is taxonomically quite critical mainly for its marked karyological and morphological variability. In the present study, karyo-taxonomic characterization of some peculiar populations of this group from Italian, N African, Balcan and Aegean territories has been performed, using both living plants collected in the field and herbarium material. As a result, ten new species have been recognized and described within the A. cupani complex. They are A. panormitanum from N Sicily, A. samniticum from C Italy, A. mauritanicum from N Morocco and NW Algeria, A. balcanicum from mountains of Balkan Peninsula, A. tzanoudakisanum from …

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Conservazione ex situ di piante rare e minacciate della flora siciliana nell'Orto Botanico di Catania

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Seed germination in Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach from South-Eastern Sicily

Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach is a nanophanerophyte whose presence in Sicily is limited to the South-East of the island. A study on seed germination behaviour of seeds collected from some populations indicates low viability of seedlings which could seriously put the long-term survival of these populations at risk.

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Giardini storici della Sicilia orientale e meridionale

This contribution reports the results of a survey on historic gardens in south-eastern Sicily. The stylistic identity, the floristic characteristics and the description of the main aspects of the investigated sites are provided

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La morfologia ultrastrutturale dei semi come strumento per l'identificazione delle specie del genere Brassica (Brassicaceae)

Sono presentati i risulati di uno studio micromorfologico dei semi sei taxa siciliani del genere Brassica. I dati morfometrici e l'ultrastruttura della testa dei semi al SEM ha evidenziato differenze significative tra specie e/o popolazioni da utilizzare a fini tassonomici.

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Allium exile Boiss. & Orph. (Alliaceae), a misappreciated species of Greek flora

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Il giardino di Villa "La Falconara" a Taormina (Sicilia orientale)

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Pollen morphology and seed germination studies onRetama raetamssp.gussonei, endemic subspecies from Sicily

A study on pollen morphology and seed germination behaviour of Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb ssp. gussonei (Webb) Greuter, endemic subspecies from Sicily and Calabria, is herein presented, aiming to preserve these populations strongly affected by anthropic pressure.

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Allium aetnense (Amaryllidaceae), a new species from Sicily.

A new species from Mt Etna (Sicily), Allium aetenense of A. sect. Codonoprasum, is described and illustrated. It is a diploid species (2n = 16) that grows on basaltic rocks in the mountain belt and shows close relationships with A. tenuiflorum of the Italian peninsula. Its morphology, karyology, leaf anatomy, seed coat microsculpturing, ecology and taxonomic position are examined.

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Allium garganicum (Alliaceae), a new species from Apulia (SE Italy)

Abstract A new endemic species of Allium, belonging to the A. stamineum Boiss. group, is described from the Mount Gargano (Apulia, SE Italy). This new taxon, named Allium garganicum, is the single representative of this group in the Italian flora, limited to a small population growing on the limestone rocks near the coast. Its relationships with allied taxa, A. stamineum Boiss. and A. guicciardii Heldr., are also discussed.

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