Paul Allen

A Measurement of B Meson Production and Lifetime Using D`− Events in Z0 Decays

A study of B meson decays into D l- X final states is presented. In these events, neutral and charged D mesons originate predominantly from B+ and B0 decays, respectively. The dilution of this correlation due to D** production has been taken into account. From 263700 hadronic Z0 decays collected in 1991 with the DELPHI detector at the LEP collider, 92 D0 --> K- pi+, 35 D+ --> K- pi+ pi+ and 61 D*+ --> D0 pi+ followed by D0 --> K- pi+ or D0 --> K- pi+ pi+ pi-, are found with an associated lepton of the same charge as the kaon. From the D0 l- and D*+ l-, the probability f(d) that a b quark hadronizes into a B- (or B0BAR),meson is found to be 0.44 +/-0.08 +/-0.09, corresponding to a total (B(s…

research product

Study of orientation of 3-Jet events in Z(0) hacronic decays using the DELPHY detector

The study of the orientation of three-jet events from e+ e- --> Z0 --> multi-hadrons is presented, in particular the polar angle distributions of the thrust axis and of the normal to the three-jet plane, and the azimuthal correlations between the hadron plane and the one defined by the beam and thrust axes. The data are compared with results at lower energy and with QCD predictions. Good agreement with QCD predictions is observed. The scalar gluon theory is excluded by the data.

research product

Measurement of inclusive production of light meson resonances in hadronic decays of the Z0

A study of inclusive production of the meson resonances ρ0, K*0 (892), f{hook}0 (975) and f{hook}2 (1270) in hadronic decays of the Z0 is presented. The measured mean meson multiplicity per hadronic event is 0.83 ± 0.14 for the ρ0 0.64 ± 0.24 for the K*0 (892), 0.10 ± 0.04 for the f{hook}0 (975) in the momentum range p > 0.05pbeam (xp > 0.05) and 0.11 ± 0.05 for the f{hook}2 (1270) for xp > 0.1. These values and the corresponding differential cross sections ( 1 σhadr) dσ dxp for the vector mesons are in good agreement with the predictions of the JETSET 7.3 PS and HERWIG 5.4 models. The f{hook}2 (1270) production is overestimated by HERWIG but its xp-shape is correctly reproduced. T…

research product

Determination of alpha-s in second order QCD from hadronic Z decays

Distributions of event shape variables obtained from 120600 hadronic Z decays measured with the DELPHI detector are compared to the predictions of QCD based event generators. Values of the strong coupling constant alpha(s) are derived as a function of the renormalization scale from a quantitative analysis of eight hadronic distributions. The final result, alpha(s) (M(Z)) = 0.113 +/- 0.007, is based on second order perturbation theory and uses two hadronization corrections, one computed with a parton shower model and the other with a QCD matrix element model.

research product

Searches for heavy neutrinos from Z decays

We have searched for possible fourth family heavy neutrinos, pair produced in Z0 decays, in a sample of about 112 000 hadronic Z0 final states collected with the DELPHI detector. For all mixing matrix elements we exclude a new Dirac neutrino lighter than 44.5 GeV at a 95% confidence level, if the neutrino couples to the electron or muon family, and lighter than 44.0 GeV, if the neutrino couples to the tau family. Depending on the values of the mixing element and to which lepton family the neutrino couples, we obtain mass limits up to 46.2 GeV. For all mixing matrix elements we exclude a new Majorana neutrino lighter than 39.0 GeV, if it couples to the electron or the muon family, and lighte…

research product

Production of Lambda and Lambda anti-Lambda correlations in the hadronic decays of the Z (0)

An analysis of the production of the LAMBDA baryon in the hadronic decays of the Z0 is presented, based on about 993K multihadronic events collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP during 1991 and 1992. The differential cross section of the LAMBDA and the correlations between LAMBDA and LAMBDABAR produced in the same event are compared to current models, based both on string fragmentation and on cluster decay. The predictions of the string fragmentation model are found to give satisfactory agreements with the data, clearly better than those of the cluster model.

research product

Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-JET events at LEP

From the combined data of 1990 and 1991 of the DELPHI experiment at LEP, 13057 4-jet events are obtained and used for determining the contribution of the triple-gluon vertex. The relevant variables are the generalized Nachtmann Reiter angle theta(NR)* and the opening angle of the two least energetic jets. A fit to their two-dimensional distribution yields C(A)/C(F)=2.12+/-0.35 and N(C)/N(A)=0.46+/-0.19, where C(A)/C(F) is the ratio of the coupling strength of the triple-gluon vertex to that of gluon bremsstrahlung from quarks, and N(C)/N(A), the ratio of the number of quark colours to the number of gluons. This constitutes a convincing model-independent proof of the existence of the triple-…

research product

Determination of alpha(s) using the next-to-leading-log approximation of QCD

A new measurement of alpha(s), is obtained from the distributions in thrust, heavy jet mass, energy-energy correlation and two recently introduced jet broadening variables following a method proposed by Catani, Trentadue, Turnock and Webber. This method includes the full calculation of O(alpha(s)2) terms and leading and next-to-leading logarithms resummed to all orders of alpha(s). The analysis is based on data taken with the DELPHI detector at LEP during 1991. I its found that the inclusion of the resummed leading and next-to-leading logarithms reduces the scale dependence of alpha(s) and allows an extension of the fit range towards the infrared limit of the kinematical range. The combined…

research product

Measurement of the partial width of the decay of the Z0 into charm quark pairs

A determination of the partial width Γc̄ of the Z0 boson into charm quark pairs is presented, based on a total sample of 36 900 Z0 hadronic decays measured with the DELPHI detector at the LEP collider. The production rate of cc events is derived from the inclusive analysis of charged pions coming from the decay of charmed meson D*+-→D0π+ and D*-→D̄0π- where the π± is constrained by kinematics to have a low pT with respect to the jet axis. The probability to procedure these π± from D*± decay in cc events is taken to be 0.31±0.05 as measured at √S = 10.55 GeV. The measured relative partial width Γ∞/Γh = 0.162± 0.030(stat.) ± 0.050(syst.) is in good agreement with the standard model value of 0…

research product