Montserral León Fabregas
A Study of the Effect of Proinflammatory Cytokines on the Epithelial Cells of Smokers, With or Without COPD
Introduction: Cigarette smoke is the main cause of inflammation in COPD. The mechanisms that differentiate smokers who develop COPD are diverse. In this study, we analyzed the presence of cytokines in the respiratory secretions of smokers with or without COPD and the secretory properties of the differentiated bronchial epithelium obtained from the individuals themselves after exposure to tobacco smoke. Material and methods: Twenty-seven smokers were studied, 12 of whom had COPD that had not been previously treated with steroids. In 11, samples were obtained by means of induced sputum, and the remaining samples were collected from bronchial aspiration after bronchoscopy. Concentrations of IL…
Estudio del efecto de citocinas proinflamatorias en las células epiteliales de pacientes fumadores con o sin EPOC
Resumen Introduccion El humo de tabaco es la principal causa de la inflamacion en la EPOC. Los mecanismos que diferencian a los fumadores que desarrollan EPOC son diversos. En este estudio analizamos la diferente presencia de citocinas en secreciones respiratorias de pacientes fumadores con o sin EPOC y las propiedades secretoras del epitelio bronquial diferenciado, obtenido de los propios individuos tras su exposicion al humo de tabaco. Material y metodos Se estudio a 27 pacientes fumadores, 12 de ellos con EPOC no tratados previamente con esteroides. En 11 se obtuvo la muestra mediante esputo inducido y el resto procedia del aspirado bronquial tras fibrobroncoscopia. Se determinaron las c…