Albert O. Bush

Constructional morphology and mode of attachment of the trunk ofCorynosoma cetaceum (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae)

Dead specimens of Corynosoma cetaceum were used to describe the trunk musculature of this species and to infer the use of the trunk as a secondary holdfast. Inferences were based on trunk muscle arrangement, changes in trunk shape, size and distribution of spines, and geometry of tegument thickness. The foretrunk of C. cetaceum is swollen and forms a spiny disk that is bent ventrally. The disk is flattened by several groups of muscles not described previously, which seem able to finely adjust the disk surface over the substratum. Disk attachment appears to be accomplished by two dorsal neck retractor muscles specialized in pulling the anchored proboscis into the foretrunk. This mechanism ha…

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Ontogenetic Habitat Selection by Hadwenius pontoporiae (Digenea: Campulidae) in the Intestine of Franciscanas (Cetacea)

The linear habitat selection of 4 sequential maturity stages (1, 2, 3, and 4) of the trematode Hadwenius pontoporiae in the intestines of 26 South American dolphins Pontoporia blanvillei was investigated. The franciscana is a suitable host for H. pontoporiae because all 26 hosts were infected, the infrapopulations being composed mostly of gravid (stage 4) worms. Most trematodes were found in the first third of the intestine. The niches of the maturity stages decreased from stage 1 to 4. Gravid worms favored the most anterior part of the duodenum, whereas stages 1, 2, and 3 occurred more posteriorly in every host. The distributions of the maturity stages showed a narrow site fidelity and wer…

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Reduction and variability of trunk spines in the acanthocephalan Corynosoma cetaceum: the role of physical constraints on attachment

. In this study, we investigated a functional trade-off between trunk attachment and trunk-spine development in the acanthocephalan Corynosoma cetaceum. The worms live attached to the stomach and upper intestine of their cetacean definitive hosts, using the proboscis and spiny foretrunk as the main holdfast; the spiny hindtrunk can also attach by bending ventrally. When the hindtrunk bends, ventral compression generates an anterior fold (AF) and a posterior fold (PF). A morphological analysis based on 7,823 individuals collected from 10 franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei, revealed that spines were smaller and more variable in size and occurrence in the folds than on neighboring ar…

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