Bernd Fellmuth
EU dissemination of the provisional ultra-low-temperature scale, PLTS-2000
Following the introduction of the provisional low-temperature scale from 0.9 mK to 1K, PLTS-2000, there is a need for primary and secondary thermometers and fixed points, which can disseminate the scale to users. This paper reports on the progress, within the EU collaborative project ‘ULT Dissemination’, in the development and evaluation of several devices with associated instrumentation. Principal among them are a current-sensing noise thermometer, a CMN thermometer adapted for industrial use, a Coulomb blockade thermometer, a second-sound thermometer, a 3He melting pressure thermometer for a direct realisation of the PLTS-2000. A superconductive reference device has also been developed, a…
European Dissemination of the Ultra-low Temperature Scale, PLTS-2000
The first phase of the EU collaborative project on sub‐kelvin thermometry, ‘ULT Dissemination’, is nearing completion, leading to the development of several thermometers and devices, and the instrumentation needed to disseminate the new Provisional Low Temperature Scale, PLTS‐2000, to users. Principal among these are a current‐sensing noise thermometer (CSNT), a CMN thermometer adapted for industrial use, a Coulomb blockade thermometer, a second‐sound acoustic thermometer and a superconductive reference device SRD‐1000. Several partners have set up 3He melting‐pressure thermometers to realise the PLTS‐2000, and will check it using Pt‐NMR, CMN and other thermometers. The scale, which was for…