R. K. M. Schneider
E1 andE2/E0 form factors and strength distributions fromSi28(e,e’p) andSi28(e,e’α) coincidence scattering
A model-independent multipole analysis of $^{28}\mathrm{Si}$(e,e'p) and $^{28}\mathrm{Si}$(e,e'\ensuremath{\alpha}) coincidence data, taken at three momentum transfers 0.39lql0.68 ${\mathrm{fm}}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}1}$, yields both E1 and E2/E0 form factors and the respective multipole strength distributions in the giant-resonance region of $^{28}\mathrm{Si}$ (${E}_{x}$=14--22 MeV). While the deduced E1 strength agrees well with previous results, the total extracted E2/E0 strength is about twice the value found with isoscalar projectiles indicating the presence of large isovector E2/E0 contributions in the region of the isoscalar E2/E0 giant resonances.
Coincidence Electron Scattering (e, e′c) in the Giant Resonance Region of 28Si
In the nuclear continuum region, the inherent power of inelastic electron scattering to map out the Fourier transforms of the transition charge and current densities is completely exploited only if the inelastically scattered electron is detected in coincidence with a nuclear decay product c. The coincidence requirement effectively eliminates the strong elastic radiative tail which hitherto plagued the analysis of single arm (e,e′) experiments.