Matthieu Kervyn
Supplemental Material, SPPS715070_suppl_mat - Studying the Cognitive Map of the U.S. States: Ideology and Prosperity Stereotypes Predict Interstate Prejudice
Supplemental Material, SPPS715070_suppl_mat for Studying the Cognitive Map of the U.S. States: Ideology and Prosperity Stereotypes Predict Interstate Prejudice by Alex Koch, Nicolas Kervyn, Matthieu Kervyn, and Roland Imhoff in Social Psychological and Personality Science
Studying the Cognitive Map of the US States: Ideology and Prosperity Stereotypes Predict Interstate Prejudice
What are the spontaneous stereotypes that U.S. citizens hold about the U.S. states? We complemented insights from theory-driven approaches to this question with insights from a novel data-driven approach. Based on pile sorting and spatial arrangement similarity ratings for the states, we computed two cognitive maps of the states. Based on ratings for the states on ∼20 candidate dimensions, we interpreted the dimensions that spanned the two maps (Studies 1 and 2). Consistent with the agency/socioeconomic success, conservative-progressive beliefs, and communion (ABC) model of spontaneous stereotypes, these dimensions that participants spontaneously used to rate the states’ similarity included…