The influence of food competition and host specificity on the transmission of Triaenophorus crassus (Cestoda) and Cystidicola farionis (Nematoda) to Coregonus lavaretus and Coregonus albula (Pisces:Coregonidae) in Finland.
Abstract As a superior competitor for planktonic food, vendace ( Coregonus albula ), when abundant, is expected to displace whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus ) from feeding on plankton and to force it to rely more on benthic food. The predicted result would be a reduced abundance of the copepod-transmitted cestode Triaenophorus crassus in whitefish, but an increase in the abundance of the nematode Cystidicola farionis transmitted via benthic amphipods. We studied the occurrence of both parasites in whitefish during 1991–1996 in three interconnected areas at Lake Saimaa, Finland, where the densities of the vendace stocks varied due to natural fluctuation in year-class strengths. In accordance …