The rift between executive contraction and executive detraction: the case of European Commission battery policy-making
Providing policy solutions to solve across border societal challenges in Europe, such as electrifying the transport sector by facilitating a European battery industry, call for increased coordination among policy-makers. This article offers a novel study of the formulation of the European Commission’s (Commission’s) battery regulation proposal. In doing so, the paper makes two distinct contributions to extant literature: Theoretically, it outlines two conceptual models of executive governance – that of the Commission as a contracted and a detracted institution – and offers an institutional-organizational approach to account for conditions under which each of these models is likely to unfold…
The Making of EU Foreign Policy Strategy : The case of Central Asia
Master's thesis Public Policy and Management ME502 - University of Agder 2019 This thesis examinesthe EU foreign policy agenda-setting with regards to the drafting of the Union’snew Central Asia strategy. The EU Strategy for Central Asia was eventually released May 2019.The thesis adopts the analytical framework of Europeanization and seeks to explainthe coordination between the EU institutions on the one hand and howmember states influence EU foreign policy strategy-makingon the other.Analytically,the Europeanization framework subscribes to exploringthe EU’s impact on member states (‘down-loading’)andthe capacity of member states to shape the direction of the EU(‘up-loading’). The down-loa…