Ronald Mayora Synnes

The Role of Religion in Young Muslims’ and Christians’ Self-presentation on Social Media

This article examines how young Muslims and Christians with ethnic minority backgrounds in Oslo reflect on their use of social media as a way to present themselves and their religiosity. The study draws upon Arlie Hochschild’s concepts of feeling rules and emotional labour and Erving Goffman’s typology of frontstage and backstage behaviour to analyse how young Muslims and Christian informants present themselves on social media. For minority groups, these strategies can be used to negotiate religion and create a different image. This study shows that both Christian and Muslim youth with minority backgrounds use different strategies to present their religiosity. Even though all the informant…

research product

Ungdom i migrantmenigheter. En studie av forhandlinger om religion, etnisitet og kjønn.

research product

Dimensions of Ethnic Boundary-Making: Experiences of Young Muslims and Christians in Religious Transnational Fields in Oslo.

This article examines the religious transnational orientation among young Muslims and Christians in Oslo. The study draws upon Andreas Wimmer’s (2013) theory of ethnic boundaries to analyse the characteristics of the ethnic boundary-making emerge within a religious transnational field, and how social closure, language, ideological framing and sociopolitical dimensions contribute to the ethnic boundary-making. The data consist of 22 qualitative interviews with young people between 16 and 35 years old. The article shows that most young Muslims and Christians involved in religious transnational activities influenced by multicultural, cosmopolitan ideas and interfaith collaborations. Some youth…

research product

Kjønn og religiøse grenser: Unge muslimer og kristnes forhandlinger av kjønn i migrantmenigheter

Artikkelen belyser unge muslimer og kristnes forhandling av kjønn i migrantmenigheter: 1) Hvordan forhandler unge muslimer og kristne forventningene knyttet til kjønn, forbundet med religiøse klesdrakter og kjønnsdelte arbeidsoppgaver? Og 2), hva kan ungdommenes oppfatninger av religiøse koder og kjønnsdelte arbeidsoppgaver fortelle om symbolsk grensedragning mellom deres tilhørighet til en minoritetsgruppe og tilhørighet til majoritetssamfunnet? Data består av 23 kvalitative intervjuer med tenåringer og unge voksne i alderen 16–35 år. Ungdommene forhandlet stadig kleskoder og kjønnsdelte arbeidsoppgaver ut fra ulike religiøse, moralske og kulturelle forventninger. De skilte mellom religion…

research product