Attuali orientamenti nella diagnosi e nel trattamento delle aderenze placentari patologiche: la nostra esperienza
The abnormal adherence of the placenta is a disease characterized by an anomalous miometrial infiltration of Chorionic villi. This event blocks the regular detachment of placenta in post partum and sometimes a severe bleeding that causes the urgency of a caesarean section. In the past years the incidence of this pathology has increased to about 1 in 500/600 deliveries. The cause of abnormal adherence of placenta is unknown but there are some risk factors such as prior caesarean sections, women older than 35 years of age and placenta previa. The early diagnosis is very important and it can be done by Eco-Color-doppler (eventually associated with 3d technique) and Magnetic Resonance. Objectiv…