Sara Favargiotti

Branding4Resilience. Esplorare e co-progettare i territori interni

I territori interni e le aree marginali sono un tema noto per le discipline del progetto e un problema discusso non solo in Italia ma in tutta Europa. Secondo EUROSTAT (2020) circa il 58% della popolazione europea vive e lavora in aree rurali o scarsamente abitate e in aree dalla densità limitata. Squilibri e disparità nelle politiche sono osservabili a livello regionale e spesso mancano approcci sistemici in grado di affrontare il problema della marginalità tenendo insieme approcci strategici e azioni locali. Specialmente in seguito alla pandemia questa situazione si è acuita e i territori interni faticano a rispondere alle grandi sfide attuali, con particolare riferimento al clima. Come c…

research product

Branding4Resilience: Explorative and Collaborative Approaches for Inner Territories

This article analyzes inner and marginal territories in four Italian peripheral contexts by first discussing some of the results and future steps of the “B4R Branding4Resilience” research project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Research from 2020 to 2023. The overall research is based on three phases: (1) the exploration phase to analyze socio-economic data and territorial dynamics; (2) the co-design phase involving local actors to develop ideas for a selected pilot case; (3) the co-visioning phase where a future transformative perspective for the whole area was shared with the institutions. The article focuses on phase 1 and presents some first results achieved by the application of a m…

research product

Urban Services to Ecosystems - Green Infrastructure Benefits from the Landscape to the Urban Scale

The aim of this book is to bring together multidisciplinary research in the field of green infrastructure design, construction and ecology. The main core of the volume is constituted by contributions dealing with green infrastructure, vegetation science, nature-based solutions and sustainable urban development. The green infrastructure and its ecosystem services, indeed, are gaining space in both political agendas and academic research. However, the attention is focused on the services that nature is giving for free to and for human health and survival. What if we start to see things from another perspective? Our actions shall converge for instance to turn man-made environment like cities f…

research product